We Travel There – Brisbane

My City

A few weeks ago I did something totally out of character for me. I filled out an online form to say I would like to spruik for Brisbane.

I had been surfing the net, looking for a person I wished to contact, and had found him waxing lyrical about his hometown on a program called – We Travel There. It was a lovely article, complete with background info and photos. This accompanied a podcast covering an interview between my friend and Lee Huffman, host of the show.

A week or so later, surprise and delight – Lee contacted me with an official invitation to join the show, which would be aired early November.

Well, it is now “early November,” and my Brisbane segment is online. Of course, my timing could have been better. America is currently in the midst of a federal election and virtually in Covid lock-down, while Australia, although now virus-free, is not accepting international visitors. On the face of it, it does not bode well right now for a program that may be used as a tool for overseas visitors. But hey, it was fun t0 meet up with Lee through cyberspace, and hopefully, my episode will remain available for a long time. And sometime in the future someone may be looking for me, or be planning a visit to Brisbane, and can tune in to hear me waxing lyrical about my own hometown.

My Office.
