I woke up this morning to find a Notification that I had been ‘mentioned on facebook’. Curious, I initialed a few clicks and found myself linked to a post by Scriptwriter, Jill Korn, She had said some nice things about me.
I’ve never met Jill, but about six months ago we began to recognize that we were both undertaking similar audio drama work as podcasters. Similar in some aspects but vastly different.in others. Jill lives in Scotland, and I’m in Australia. She works with a team of dedicated and talented artists, while I’m mostly a D.I.Y.
But a few similarities draw us into a bond that I am happy to say is beginning to develop – even though thousands of miles separate us. Jill did her Masters when a mature age, as did I, (she chose Creative Writing while I went into the vaporous world of film and television) But both of us are passionate about the power of audio drama.
Pondering on these variables this morning led me to think of our Different Worlds and the present metaphorical world that has brought us together. The exponential growth of cyberspace has mushroomed much the same way as Covid19, and in many ways has been the catalyst for an entirely new change in lifestyles.
Even though like Jill, I began life in the U..K. I migrated to Oz many years ago, thus leaving not only a country, but the decades themselves have created a division, between life before and after a moon landing, mobile phones, Glad Wrap and takeaway food.
Yet while our differences are becoming clearer through the use of photos, films, and videos – they are becoming smaller. Cities are formed by monolithic giants in any land, connected by rail, road, sea, and air. Local fresh foods are no more than a few hours away, and our languages can be translated as we speak.
Any information we require is at our fingertips. I can see if The Rain in Spain is mainly on the Plain, when it will stop, how much fell and what the temperature is going to be weeks ahead.
I can join virtual tours and converse with strangers while my guide explains the historical architecture, walk through famous streets, or even take a canoe down a river.
So when we hear our favorite songster sing the lyrics to the haunting melody of What a Wonderful World, we could do far worse than pause a moment, and really listen to the lyrics. Yes, there are horrendous things being done by evil people – and in some small way, we are all affected. Yet THE WORLD itself is indeed a marvelous place and truly worthy of being described in those overly used adjectives “Awesome” and “Amazing”.
Let us all celebrate our Different Worlds and find it – Wonderful
What a Wonderful World was written by George Weiss and Bob Thiele in 1968 during the time of the Vietnam War. to try and bring hope to the millions of victims suffering the effects of the war .
You are invited to listen to a podcast chat I had with Jill a few weeks ago on gdayfromoz – Different Worlds