Neighborhoods are fascinating places. If you are lucky they are an eclectic mix of society – with friendly people providing you with interesting activities – that enhance rather than interfere with your own lifestyle. I’m lucky. That’s exactly what I have in my neighborhood.
But sadly, the circle of life means that occasionally a neighbor leaves the district. But, that also means, a new one will soon be replaced. And Oh, the speculation of seeing the likely newbies come and inspect the vacant house – and the tension surrounding the likelihood of young or old, rich or poor, with or without kids, gardeners or non …..All to be revealed as tidbits of information to be relayed around the network drums.
We had new neighbors arrive across the street a few days ago, and being a friendly (and inquisitive) neighbor myself, was keen to meet, and greet them. With a spate of rainy weather, this got put off day by day. So this morning, joy of joys, the opportunity finally arrived.
Introductions were made, names exchanged, and a little info related that they had grown kids, living from home (So no noisy teenagers with drumkits or motorbikes – Tick.) They had lived a number of years in England, the land of my birth – Ah we immediately had something in common and would be able to whinge knowingly about the governments – Tick). And, for the present at least, she was a stay-at-home wife – so occasional coffee mornings were assured – Double tick). Oh boy, I could see a long and flourishing friendship forming.
Then we got to interests. And the clanger crashed.
She collects snakes! And just in case you missed it – SHE COLLECTS SNAKES!
Now, I am not an avid Christian, but I am sure Noah had a mental relapse when he allowed reptiles into the Arc along with the other animals two by two. Surely any animal without legs has no right to be considered a pet. Yet she told me that among other reptiles – SHE HAS FOUR PET PYTHONS.
I would write more – but I must ring the real estate agent before they close.
A 5 bedroom rambling cottage with an unruly garden will be on the market very soon. There is NO WAY I’m going outside again unless I can jump straight into a car. I HATE SNAKES.