National Aboriginals and Islanders Day Observance Committee

NAIDOC activities have begun to unfold across Australia, and thousands of us can embrace the cultural inheritance we are often inclined to take for granted. One significant focal point is the importance the Elders have on their communities, a situation not enjoyed by many other cultures, but chosen as a theme for this year’s celebration.

2023 For Our Elders

2022 Get up Stand up

2021 Heal Country

2020 Always was Always will be

2019 Voice Treaty Truth

2018 Because of her we can

Indigenous music, dream time stories, and art not only educate us in their unique interpretation of the sacredness of Country, but can help guide us through our ever-increasing complex world.

In fact, Country is the term often used by Aboriginal peoples to describe their affinity to the lands, waterways, and seas to which they are connected. The term contains many complex ideas about the law, place, custom, language, spiritual belief, material sustenance, family, and identity.

In fact, this year is epochal insofar as Australians will have the opportunity to vote on The Voice, a shorthand reference to a referendum asking for an alteration to the Constitution and allowing direct representation on matters of indigenous affairs.

In the meantime, major celebratory events are taking place in schools, workplaces, and public displays. The coming NAIDOC week will offer plenty of television opportunities to watch, listen and absorb everything indigenous, in particular, those emanating from The Alice and the outback in general

The Big Red Bash

Not surprisingly, Birdsville also features in the list of locations enjoying the opportunity to not only observe NAIDOC in its traditional elements but also enjoy what is now commonly known as the Big Red Bash. It all starts with the journey via Land, Sea, or Air It becomes the Mecca for thousands of people from around Australia, and the world, as they head into the desert for the most remote music festival on the planet. An epic adventure far off the beaten track, yet in the midst of Rock n’Roll Central – if only for one week.

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