Halloween – 31st October.

Okay, so there are few people in any part of the Globe who are unaware of Halloween on the 31st October. The great media marketing machinery makes sure that every child under 12 insists on at least a plastic pumpkin or two, and a costume of his /her favourite super hero.

Long gone are the days when your choice was limited to a Devil or Demon, mostly for the boys, and maybe an Angel for the girls. And sadly some rather nasty experiences in the past have precluded the kids to go as a group knocking on strangers’ doors with the demand for a “Trick or Treat”. (And woebetide the neighbour who tries to smartarse them with a trick.)

Ghosts and Goblins

Of course traditionally, we should be celebrating All Hallows Eve, when the Dead, the UnDead and Ghosts and Goblines and Things that go Bump in the Night take over our streets and our nightmares. Such an opportunity cannot be missed in the podcasting world either, and I suggest a listen to Virtual Reality may bring a smile. While this little drama was first released back in 2019 it missed Halloween so it is perfect for a re-run. Alternatively, here at G’Day from Oz we are delighted to announce the first of our Collaborative Production Podcastss in the form of Secrets of the Cemetery.

Secrets of the Cemetery is a Collaborative Audio Drama performed y artists from the U.K., USA and Australia. It is a wonderful example of how creative we can all be with limited tools. Allow 25 minutes with your favourite coffee fix.

We will be having a chat with the performers in the next few weeks. Patti Cassidy, Award winning Scriptwriter from Boston, Jane Bovell and Tom Lee Hynes from Hand to Mouth Theatre in the U.K., as well as our local Jennifer and Steve Haynes, and Richard Edwards from Australia

Another guest coming up shortly is Julie Hoverson from Seattle. Julie has her own spooky, quirky podcast show, 19 Nocturne Boulevard, and has just released Dreams in a Witch House, an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horor fantasies. Perfect for Halloween. And incidentally, you can also catch Julie as Wannarbee Bond in the insane Valantine Day Massager





We all use words every day – to speak or to write. Yet rarely do we think of their power to provide meaning and emotion. In this podcast, we meet two ladies who both use words in entirely different ways. Jill Korn is a ScriptWriter who has carved out a niche for herself in historical fan fiction, and Diana Guillemin is a Linguist. You can find both Jill on her facebook page, and Diana on hers.


A New Beginning

While I’m sure my 8th grade English teacher would insist that a title with the phrase “A new beginning” is an example of tautology – “using the same words,” for me it is a perfect expression of how I feel today. Our state is Covid free and shops are opening, people seem to have a jaunty spring in their walk, and despite the over-riding need for rain, our Spring flowers are steadfastly blooming.

And here I am planning some interesting and exciting activities, and the PodBlogs to go with them. A few examples’

For those millions of you around the world this needs no explanation, but for those who are unaware that a MeetUp is an organized event, please click the link and see what you are missing. Basically, it is platform for finding and building local communities to meet new people, learn new things, find support and pursue their interests together. We will be meeting up with a number of folks who have done this already.

They may be accessed in most cities all around Australia, and indeed all around the world. Just click a meetup.com link, and your life will change


This is the new radio. Apparently there are now over half a million podcast series available for your selection. So there is little reason to cry “There’s nothing good to watch on the telly.” Once again we have to acknowledge that the social restrictions of Covid19 have encouraged artistic and extrovert people to create their own shows, and others to tune in to listen to what they – and their guests – have to say. Which brings me to my own guests.

Upcoming Guests

I am delighted to say that over the last few months I have met a number of fascinating people over the internet, via their own podcasts, and they in turn will be gracing G’Day from Oz in the coming weeks. Check them out on their own platforms.

Jill Korn and Patti Cassidy – Playrights living in different parts of the world, filling a similar but different niche. Jill, from the U.K. covers historical fan fiction, and Patti Cassidy, from Boston U.S.A, has carved out a name for herself in a form of fan-fiction classical noir.

David Pollard is also a strong avocate of radio drama and comes from Hand to Mouth Theatre in the U.K. He has given a wonderfully droll performance in our fastfictionpodcasts.com with Reality Check

Trevor Bell has been covering politics in a slightly offbeat Aussie way in his sometimes irreverent weekly show Iron Fist and Velvet Glove

Rebecca Kilimnic had me on her Homespun Haints show about six months ago, giving me the opportunity to talk about my one and only ghost encounter. But after hundreds of shows, Beccy and her offsider, Diana Doty have heard so many more.

Lee Huffman runs a fascinating travel show called We Travel There. A few weeks ago Lee gave me the opportunity to wax lyrical about my beloved Brisbane, which will air in November. And he has kindly agreed to come onto G’Day from Oz and let us know some of his favorite guests.

Judd Tilyard is a film-maker who is enjoying the success of his recent comedy horror film Two Heads Creek. While this is the first feature for Judd and his Director Jesse O’Brien, together they bring a wealth of experience to the screen via their independent short films

Richard Edwards is long retired, and as a golf enthusiast, he was keen to participate in his other interest – acting. This came by way of a dramatized audio piece entitled Ace in a Hole, which we both presented on fastfictionpodcasts recently. At this moment in time, he is preparing for a stage event of Yes Prime Minister in which he plays Jim Hatcher – a daunting but challenging task.

Covers from our podcasts
As you can see, there is plenty of listening , so make sure you subscribe to the podcast series of G’Day from Under DownUnder. And then Enjoy!

BC and AC

Before Covid – After Covid

When I was growing up in my English Church of England Primary School we had R.E, or Religious Education once a week. I have little idea what was taught as I usually spent the time doodling, whispering to friends, or daydreaming. But I did learn two things. The time boundary that divided’“BC’ from ‘AD’

‘AD’ fooled me into thinking I knew a bit of Latin because it means ‘Anno Domini’. So, for example, the year 1950, would often be written as, ‘1950 A.D.’ meaning ‘in the year of our Lord 1950.’

‘BC however, meant ‘ Before Christ’, and for many religious historians, who only believe in the New Testament, that time didn’t exist, or if it did, it was pagan, and therefore not worth knowing. In other words, this was the time of The Old Testament.

My school days were a long time ago. But nowadays the phrase “Before Covid” is heard constantly.  And sometime soon that may well be shortened to BC (Hard to believe that the first 8 known cases were released on January 24th). Though formally speaking if we refer to it by its correct name of Covid19, then December 31st  is the last day BC.  And by the same thought process we are now – and forever after, in AC. or After Covid. Are you with me so far?

The daily news is giving us glimpses of how this AC future will pan out.  Yes, we are globally in Recession, yes, we are playing the Blame Game as to where the virus came from, whether it was accidental or intentional, and many other variable conspiracy theories dealing with trying to take over the world.

Certainly, our phones will have to carry a travel id, and currently, Melbourne City has made the wearing of face masks compulsory, with strong suggestions that others should follow.

Imagine an entire city going about their everyday chores dressed like this?

Of course, it could be worse. Back in 1942, the wearing of gas masks was compulsory in schools, even for small kids.

Compulsory gas masks for school children 1942

And for those of us who have read George Orwell’s 1984 book about a Dystopian totalitarian future,. or watched the British science fiction film of the same name, it’s possible to consider that Big Brother is really here – and no, I am not referring to reality t.v.) The next step may well be the Thought Police!. Scary, yes, but it is really the young generation – the millennial – who will live most of their lives only knowing AC. It’s quite a revelation.

To date, over 42 million people have contracted the disease: and claimed over one and a half a million lives. It is unknown how many are carrying the virus. The best site for the updates is ncov2019.live which I have just learned was begun by Avi Shiffman, who is still only just gone 17. Avi has built one of the most popular tracking websites in the world, with over 30 million visitors a day. He even turned down $8 million to put ads on the site. An incredible young man, and an incredible, if daunting site.

It seems odd to think back to the blissful BC time a few months ago when we were all talking about “the greatest threat and dilemma facing the world:” that is, or was, climate change. Remember Greta Thunberg, even now only 16.

And what does it say to our political leaders that our social leaders are so very young – with so much of their life ahead of them>

If there is one joy to be had in our new era of A.C it is that without industry and traffic pollution in air, land or sea, our planet has had a chance to heal. And is doing wonderfully well.

If only we can keep it that way.

Stay Safe
